PICC Lines

PICC Lines (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter Lines)  is a commonly used medical device for administering long-term intravenous (IV) therapy. It is a soft, flexible catheter that is inserted through a small incision in the skin and then guided through the veins until the tip rests in a large central vein near the heart.

PICC Lines are typically used for patients who require long-term IV therapy, they are also used for patients who require frequent blood draws, as the PICC can be accessed multiple times without the need for repeated needle sticks.

One of the advantages of PICC Lines is that they are able to remain in place for several weeks or even up to months, which reduces the need for frequent catheter placement procedures. In addition, PICCs are less invasive than other central venous catheters, such as tunneled catheters or implanted ports.

The insertion of a PICC is typically performed by using ultrasound guidance. After the PICC Lines are inserted, they are secured in place with a dressing and a sterile cap is placed on the end of the PICC to prevent infection.

It is important to properly care for the PICC to prevent complications, such as infection or catheter occlusion. This includes flushing the catheter regularly with saline and heparin to maintain patency and monitoring for signs of infection, such as redness or swelling at the insertion site.

Treatments That Need PICC Lines:

  • Antibiotics
  • Chemotherapy
  • Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
  • Frequent Blood Draws

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